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The REDDING LONG LOCKNUT 10-32 is a high-precision mechanical component designed to provide secure and reliable clamping with greater thread extension than standard locking nuts. Manufactured from superior quality steel, this long locknut features a 10-32 fine thread, ideal for applications requiring precise adjustments and stable fastening. The extended locknut length ensures a greater contact surface with the bolt, better distributing forces and minimising the risk of accidental loosening, even under conditions of vibration or intense mechanical stress. The robust construction ensures durability and strength, while the surface finish, often zinc or stainless steel, protects against corrosion and wear, ensuring long component life. Commonly used in industries such as automotive, aerospace and other advanced technical applications, REDDING LONG LOCKNUT 10-32 is designed to offer maximum security in threaded connections. This makes it an excellent choice for those requiring reliable and durable performance in precision mechanical assemblies.

Locking bushing for decapsulating rod and bushing retainer model LONG 10-32, for type-s full and neck series dies.

Compatible with calibres: 22 PPC, 22 BR, 6 PPC, 6 BR, 6.5 GRENDEL, 222 REM, WSSM, 243 WIN, 220 SWIFT, 6MM REM, 260 REM, 6.5X55, 6.5X284, 25-06, 257 WBY


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