46th Firearms Industry Super Shoot, our own Nicola Salvador eighth in the biggest bench rest competition

46th Firearms Industry Super Shoot, our own Nicola Salvador eighth in the biggest bench rest competition

In the biggest bench rest competition in the USA, the name of an Italian in the top 10 stands out
High Transport Excellence: Discover the Excellence of Aim Field Sports

High Transport Excellence: Discover the Excellence of Aim Field Sports

Explore the innovation and quality of Aim Field Sports, a leader in equipment for sports and professional shooters. Discover rugged cases, practical duffel bags and other accessories designed to enhance every aspect of your shooting experience.
AMP Press: Increasingly accurate Match ammunition

AMP Press: Increasingly accurate Match ammunition

Find out with Armeria Regina how AMP Press works through the technical explanation and why it could greatly improve shooting performance.
Annealing Made Perfect, the perfect annealing for casings

Annealing Made Perfect, the perfect annealing for casings

Annealing Made Perfect at Armeria Regina: advanced solution for precise and repeatable annealing of cartridge cases, optimising durability and performance with Amp technology.
Complete Guide to the Ballistic Chronograph

Complete Guide to the Ballistic Chronograph

Learn all the secrets about the ballistic chronograph: from how it works to the best products on the market to boost your shooting performance.
Total Field of View - LEICA Special

Total Field of View - LEICA Special

LEICA - Rifle scopes and red dots for wild boar hunting
Calendar 2024 North East Circuit

Calendar 2024 North East Circuit

Assemblare Munizioni Match

Assemblare Munizioni Match

A solvent that keeps its promises - Bore Tech Eliminator

A solvent that keeps its promises - Bore Tech Eliminator

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