Who we are

Our company

The history of our business begins with the history of our family, I would say that the two things run on a parallel track. We have been in the world of work and weapons for 3 generations.

My grandfather started his business in a small mechanical workshop, working on what was once the means of transport par excellence: the bicycle. In that small workshop, a hotbed of work and passion, he founded the 'Officine Veglia' bicycle factory. Which took its name from the town where the factory was located: San Giacomo di Veglia.

In addition to his passion for mechanics, he also shared a great passion for firearms and, after the First World War, he began a small production of entirely hand-built over-unders and side-by-side shotguns.

The arrival of my father Gian Franco in the family business, with his wife Gelinda, took the company from the production of bicycles and handcrafted weapons to the marketing of finished products for hunting and fishing. The transition period culminated, after 10 years, with the opening of a new large shop which became a point of reference for the entire province and beyond.

Thinking of the four children to start and enter the world of work, in 1976 together with his wife and with the participation of his sister Rina he took over an armory in a town near Conegliano and wanted to call it after his mother: REGINA, precisely.

I remember that as a child my favorite pastime was walking around the shop counters in shorts and pulling drawers. Then step by step to box some shot cartridges and, a little later, to calibrate the first compressed air rifle. With a growing passion for weapons and his whole world.

Moving on to archery, pistol shooting, clay pigeon shooting and finally precision shooting at medium and long distances. Always supported by his wife Lorena and then by his collaborators Riccardo and Susanna, in all these years, we have tried to offer our loyal customers a selection of quality and excellent products. Always trying to provide a professional service, targeted advice and assistance adequate to our standards.

News for January 2015. With the new addition to the staff of Nicola Biaso (web area manager) we will offer our customers an online sales service on all charging products, with visibility of immediate availability and delivery within 24 hours.

A WARM THANK YOU to all those people who believed in us and who have shown their trust in us over all these years. Coming back every day to rely on our shop for their needs.

Thank you,

Francesco Salvador

Shop Daytime

  • morning –> 9.00-12.30
  • afternoon -> 15.00-19.00
Close on Monday

Closed on Saturday afternoons in July and August

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