Italian law establishes that magazines for long weapons with a capacity greater than 10 rounds are subject to specific reporting obligations. This is part of the regulations on weapons and ammunition, which impose restrictions on the control and traceability of components that can affect the firing capacity of a weapon.
Reporting obligation: Magazines for long weapons with a capacity greater than 10 rounds are considered essential parts of a weapon according to Italian law, and their possession must be reported to the competent authorities (for example the Police Headquarters or the Carabinieri).
Sale: These magazines cannot be sold freely. The sale must take place through an authorized gunsmith, who issues a declaration of sale and records the details. This ensures the traceability of the magazine and compliance with current regulations.
Online sale: The sale of such magazines through online stores is generally prohibited as the transaction and physical transfer of the item do not allow direct and immediate control of the buyer and compliance with reporting obligations. Even if online purchasing were hypothetically permitted, it would still have to be accompanied by a formal registration and reporting procedure.
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