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Telecamera  Wifi per spective con schermo ad alta risoluzione da 2,4 ".  Streaming video in alta risoluzione. Si monta su oculari da 1" a 1.5". Batteria LiPo ricaricabile (durata stimata della batteria 1500mAh - 8-10 ore) con porta di ricarica micro USB. Pulsante di accensione con indicatore di batteria scarica. Compatibile con l'attuale app Bullseye. Cavo micro USB (solo alimentazione).

The SME Wi-Fi Optical Scope Camera is an advanced scope camera designed to enhance shooting and observation experiences. This innovative camera connects via Wi-Fi to mobile devices, allowing real-time viewing and recording of images through the rifle scope. It features high-quality optics that ensure sharp and detailed images, making it ideal for precision shooting and hunting. The camera is easy and secure to mount, compatible with a wide range of scopes. Additionally, with Wi-Fi connectivity, users can stream images directly to smartphones or tablets, facilitating the analysis and sharing of shooting sessions. The SME Wi-Fi Optical Scope Camera is perfect for shooters looking to optimize their performance and gather valuable data in the field.


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