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With this handy RCBS® shell holder box, reloaders can keep shell holders organized and protected. It can accommodate 12 shell holders in a single row, or 24 when placed double, and 6 plates for turner. The transparent lid keeps out dust and dirt, allowing reloaders to see what is stored inside. The shell holder rack can be wall mounted or used on the bench. The wall-mounting spacing also allows it to hang from standard 1-inch hooks. Support legs tilt the bottom for wall mounting or the top for bench use. If more shell holders are needed, additional shell holder racks can be joined together.

  • Works with all RCBS single-stage shell holders
  • Works with Trim Pro shell holders
  • Also works with RCBS neck bushing 0.255" or larger
  • Can be wall- or bench-mounted
  • Two or more racks can be joined together when larger storage is needed

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