LMBR Shooting Chrono R2H Cronografo

LMBR Shooting Chrono R2H Cronografo

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Applicazioni nella misurazione di:
- carabina
- pistola
- arceria

- possiede una apertura più alta: fino a 170mm
- range di velocità: 12 - 2000 m/s
- errore di misurazione: inferiore a 1% a 1000 m/s
- consumo di corrente: 100 mA
- power supply: 2 batterie AA Alkaline o Ricaricabili
- dimensioni: 105 x 260 x 100 mm
- peso: 1060 grammi

The LMBR Shooting Chrono R2H Chronograph is an advanced tool designed to measure ammunition velocity with precision and reliability. Featuring state-of-the-art technology, the R2H chronograph provides quick and accurate readings, essential for shooting enthusiasts and ballistic experts. Its robust and compact design allows for easy use both in the field and in the lab, while its advanced features include the ability to store measurement data and calculate averages and standard deviations. This device is particularly useful for optimizing ammunition performance and fine-tuning firearm setups, delivering consistent and precise results with every use.


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