USB-COM Cable Converter x Chrono R2/R2A

USB-COM Cable Converter x Chrono R2/R2A

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The USB-COM Cable Converter for Chrono R2/R2A is an essential accessory for users of LMBR R2 and R2A chronographs, designed to facilitate the connection and communication between the chronograph and a computer. This converter allows you to connect the chronograph to a computer via a USB port, converting the COM serial signal into a format compatible with modern USB interfaces. Setup is straightforward and intuitive: simply connect the cable to the chronograph and the computer, and the converter will automatically manage the communication, enabling you to transfer shot data and shooting statistics directly to analysis software. Made from high-quality materials, the USB-COM converter ensures a stable and reliable connection, minimizing compatibility and interference issues. This accessory is particularly useful for sport shooters and enthusiasts who want to analyze and store their shooting data in detail, providing a practical and efficient solution for optimizing shooting performance.


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