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"Il Patrimonio Quaglia" by Galli and Spanò is a comprehensive and detailed manual focusing on the management, biology, and hunting of the quail, a bird of great value both for sport hunting and wildlife conservation. This book provides an in-depth overview of the ecological and behavioral characteristics of the quail, exploring its habitat, dietary habits, and social dynamics. Galli and Spanò, recognized experts in wildlife management and hunting, offer valuable information on how to monitor and manage quail populations sustainably, addressing the challenges related to their conservation.

"Il Patrimonio Quaglia" also includes detailed techniques for quail hunting, with practical tips on approaches, strategies, and specific equipment to optimize the hunting experience. It discusses how proper habitat observation and management can positively affect the health and numbers of quail populations. Enriched with high-quality photographs and illustrations, the manual serves as an essential resource for hunters, wildlife enthusiasts, and wildlife management professionals who wish to deepen their knowledge of quails and improve their management and conservation practices.


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