Il Patrimonio Lepre - Pier Paolo Mussa

Il Patrimonio Lepre - Pier Paolo Mussa

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"Il Patrimonio Lepre" by Pier Paolo Mussa is a comprehensive manual dedicated to the study and management of the hare, a symbolic and beloved animal among hunters and wildlife enthusiasts. This book delves into all aspects of hare life, providing a detailed overview of its biological, ecological, and behavioral characteristics. Pier Paolo Mussa, a recognized expert in wildlife management, explores the hare’s feeding habits, reproductive behavior, and survival strategies, offering readers a deep understanding of this fascinating species.

"Il Patrimonio Lepre" also includes practical sections on hunting, offering advice on approach techniques, capture methods, and effective strategies to enhance the hare hunting experience. The manual also addresses challenges related to conservation and sustainable management of hare populations, providing guidelines on habitat management and population monitoring to ensure long-term sustainability. Enriched with high-quality photographs and illustrations, the book serves as a valuable resource not only for hunters but also for anyone interested in the biology of the hare and its conservation.


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