AMP Press: Increasingly accurate Match ammunition

Find out with Armeria Regina how AMP Press works through the technical explanation and why it could greatly improve shooting performance.

The AMP Press is an advanced device that combines a motorised piston, distance sensor and load cell to measure the force and distance of ball insertion with extreme precision. Designed for use with 'INLINE' crush-type (Wilson or Whidden) ball-inserting dies, it allows data to be measured, stored and catalogued according to many variables, improving the consistency of 'collar tension' and allowing reloaded ammunition to be grouped according to the data collected;

Users can create detailed profiles for each cartridge, comparing reloading sessions to assess changes over time. The press uses a high-torque DC motor that ensures repeatability in speed and force applied, eliminating the human error typical of manual presses. The position sensor calculates distance to an accuracy of 0.001", providing accurate data on each insertion;

The AMP Press can be powered by a battery for use in remote conditions and has Bluetooth connectivity for data monitoring, with cable connection as an initial option. It comes with pistons of different lengths to suit a wide range of gauges.

For the first time, this data can be stored and sorted according to a multitude of variables. This allows users to improve casing preparation in order to achieve a more consistent 'neck tension'. It also allows users to batch their loads accordingly.

Users can create cartridge profiles and store sessions for each calibre. Current loading sessions can be compared with previous ones to see precisely how loads change (if they change) over time.

The image below shows the traces generated by inserting bullets into ten blank 308 cartridge cases. In this example, the lack of bevel is quite evident at the beginning of the trace. Considerable force is required to get the bullet into the collar of the cartridge case. It is also noticeable when the lower part of the bullet is positioned beyond the sized portion of the neck. This is indicated by the slight drop in force at the -0.16" point on the X-axis. The engagement force stabilises until the bullet is fully engaged.

The last two traces (the red and blue together) distinctly show two possible 'flying' loads that could be separated from the lot.

In this example, we loaded ten 6 BRA cartridge cases. Unlike the 308 cartridge cases above, the bullets were not inserted beyond the dimensional part of the neck. Therefore, maximum force was achieved at the end of the stroke. More attention was paid to case preparation and the improvement in consistency is visible. Much less force was required to get the bullets into the case mouth (indicated by the blue arrow).

This example of the Red Arrows also shows the SORT function which lists the traces in the order they were taken (top), the maximum or peak force measured (middle) or the total work done (bottom).

One of the main advantages of the AMP Press is the addition of a position sensor that enables the calculation of 'total work done' data.

In the figure, this measure is illustrated by the yellow highlighted area. In this example, the track with the least work done has been highlighted. This is an exciting new metric with which to rank cartridges.


Load cell

AMP Press is equipped with a precision load cell that provides exact weight measurements up to 200 kg. The face of the load cell is surrounded by a latch that guides the dies to the centre of the cell. This ensures repeatable measurements every time. The load cell is extremely accurate. The smallest variations from case to case can be magnified and displayed in incredible detail.

The load cell surface is free to move. This ensures that no constraints occur when the jack presses the dies onto the load cell and that everything remains centred.

12 V motor

The ram of the AMP press is driven by a high-torque DC motor. This ensures a repeatable stroke, both in terms of speed and force, applied to the dies during positioning. This eliminates the human error that occurs when using conventional shaft presses. Thanks to the 12 V DC motor, the press can easily be powered by batteries. This allows it to be used even in remote locations, such as a polygon.

Distance sensor

The position of the rod is calculated using a position sensor, with an accuracy of 0.001". This allows the distance between the projectiles and the force to be visualised for the first time. This is particularly useful for highlighting discrepancies such as trim length and bevel consistency. In addition, for the first time, the 'total work' calculation can be applied to the graph as a sorting option.

Bluetooth- AMP Press is equipped with Bluetooth, which enables wireless communication with your favourite device.  In case your PC does not have Bluetooth, the connection to the computer will be via USB cable. Note: Software is available for PC and Mac.

Adjustable for many die sizes - The AMP press is equipped with two interchangeable ram lengths. These allow a wide range of cartridge dies to be used.

A detailed tutorial can be found in the video below:

Don't miss the chance to get your AMP Press!

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