RWS R10 MATCH c. 4,49mm 0,45g

RWS DIABOLO BASIC 4.5 mm 0.45g

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Pallini a punta piatta per carabina aria compressa

Il pallino RWS Diabolo Basic è leggero e liscio. Precisione e costanza sono di buon livello e soddisfano tutte le richieste dei tiratori, a un prezzo veramente favorevole!


0,45 g

7.0 gr

Kal. 4,5 mm

Cal. .177

Quantità: 500 Pz.

The RWS Diabolo Basic 4.5 mm 0.45g pellets are high-quality ammunition designed for use with air guns, ensuring reliable and accurate performance. Weighing 0.45 grams and measuring 4.5 mm in diameter, these pellets offer excellent balance and a stable trajectory, making them ideal for sport shooting and training. Their uniform construction and aerodynamic design ensure consistent precision and reduced flight errors. The pack contains 500 pellets, providing ample supply for numerous shooting sessions, whether for beginners or experienced shooters. The RWS Diabolo Basic pellets are perfect for those seeking an economical choice without compromising quality, delivering precise and dependable results.


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