Repellente per insetti - JAIKO MOSQUITOMILK 50ML ROLL-ON

Repellente per insetti - JAIKO MOSQUITOMILK 50ML ROLL-ON

Jaico Sensitive
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Jaiko MosquitoMilk Insect Repellent is an effective solution for keeping mosquitoes and other bothersome insects at bay. Formulated in a convenient 50 ml roll-on bottle, this repellent is easy to apply and provides long-lasting protection against insect bites. Its advanced formula is designed to be gentle on the skin while ensuring effective protection against pests. Jaiko MosquitoMilk contains high-quality ingredients that create a protective barrier without being sticky or greasy, making it suitable for daily use. Ideal for outdoor activities, hikes, or just everyday life, this repellent is an excellent choice for those seeking comfort and protection during insect season.


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