Kelbly Prometheus Cal. 308 Winchester - Replacement Barrel + Action
Kelbly Prometheus Cal. 308 Winchester - Replacement Barrel + Action
Kelbly Prometheus Cal. 308 Winchester - Replacement Barrel + Action
Kelbly Prometheus Cal. 308 Winchester - Replacement Barrel + Action
Kelbly Prometheus Cal. 308 Winchester - Replacement Barrel + Action
Kelbly Prometheus Cal. 308 Winchester - Replacement Barrel + Action
Kelbly Prometheus Cal. 308 Winchester - Replacement Barrel + Action
Kelbly Prometheus Cal. 308 Winchester - Replacement Barrel + Action
Kelbly Prometheus Cal. 308 Winchester - Replacement Barrel + Action
Kelbly Prometheus Cal. 308 Winchester - Replacement Barrel + Action
Kelbly Prometheus Cal. 308 Winchester - Replacement Barrel + Action
Kelbly Prometheus Cal. 308 Winchester - Replacement Barrel + Action

Kelbly Prometheus Cal. 308 Winchester - Replacement Barrel + Action

33641/33642 Guns new


Canna di ricambio + Azione

Marca: Kelbly

Modello: Prometheus

Calibro: 308 Winchester

Disciplina: caccia

Azione: Prometheus

Finestra: destra

Finitura azione: cerakote nero 

Slitta: Picatinny - 20 MOA

Bolt Face: piatto

Canna: Krieger

Lunghezza canna: 24" 

Finitura canna: cerakote nero

Freno di bocca: si

Passo di rigatura: 1:11"

Otturatore: dx - fluted

Espulsore: TG

Peso: 2,562 Kg.

Diametro culatta canna: 33,80mm

Diametro volata canna: 18,30mm

Volata filettata: si

Classificazione: caccia

Azione dotata di pomello tactical.

308 Win

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