Bersaglio 12" x 18" Silhouette Target Paper BC27 - 1 Pezzo

Bersaglio 12" x 18" Silhouette Target Paper BC27 - 1 Pezzo

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- Dimensioni: 12"X18"/30,48cmX45,72cm
- Sfondo: BIANCO

The Bersaglio 12" x 18" Silhouette Target Paper BC27 is a paper target designed to simulate the outline of a human body, making it ideal for realistic and precise shooting practice. Measuring 12 inches by 18 inches, this target provides ample surface area for practice and skill assessment. Its silhouette shape is perfect for focused training and improving accuracy at longer ranges, providing a clear and visible reference for the shooter. Sold individually, the BC27 Silhouette Target is an excellent choice for sport shooters and tactical training sessions, offering a detailed and professional representation of the target.


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