List of products by brand Beschi

Beschi is an Italian company specializing in plastic molding, known for producing accessories for the textile industry and components for metal furniture.

Founded in 1972 in Castel Goffredo, Mantua, Beschi SNC is a leading company in plastic molding. With a strong focus on quality and innovation, the company produces high-quality accessories for the textile industry, such as tubes, cones, and perforated separators, as well as components for metal furniture. The "Made in Italy" philosophy is central to Beschi's production, ensuring craftsmanship and creativity. Over the years, Beschi has introduced innovative solutions, such as two-color tubes for yarn differentiation, and continues to invest in sustainable technologies to enhance its products and services.

Over Under Shotgun Beschi Delux Cal. 12 Over Under Shotgun Beschi Delux Cal. 12 2
Over/under shotgun

Beschi Delux Cal. 12

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