List of products by brand Pic Decatur

The Pic Decatur brand is known for producing small caliber rifles and pistols, primarily imported from Germany and Italy into the United States. These products, mainly in .22 and .25 calibers, are appreciated for their simplicity and affordability.

Pic Decatur is a recognized brand for its range of small caliber rifles and pistols, originating from Germany and Italy and imported into the United States. Common models include the .22LR revolver and the .25 ACP semi-automatic pistol. These products are known for their compact and functional construction, ideal for sport shooting and personal defense. Although they are economical firearms, they offer a reliable and accessible option for firearm enthusiasts.

Semiautomatic Pistol Pic Decatur Germany MOD. 11 Cal. 25 / 6.35 mm Semiautomatic Pistol Pic Decatur Germany MOD. 11 Cal. 25 / 6.35 mm 2
Semi Auto Pistol

Pic Decatur 11 Cal. 25 / 6.35 mm

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