List of products by brand Cosmi

Cosmi is a prestigious Italian brand known for producing luxury semi-automatic shotguns with unique design and unparalleled craftsmanship.

Founded in the late 1800s by Rodolfo Cosmi, Cosmi manufactures high-class semi-automatic shotguns in Ancona, Italy. Each Cosmi shotgun consists of over 100 parts, all hand-fitted and polished by master gunsmiths. The shotguns are customizable to the client's specifications, including stock length and engravings. A distinctive feature of Cosmi shotguns is the break-action loading mechanism and the magazine tube extending into the stock, ensuring perfect balance. Each shotgun requires over 400 hours of handwork, using only the finest materials such as briar root walnut for the stock. The new line includes the Cosmi Rigato, a semi-automatic hunting rifle with a rifled barrel available in calibers like .45/70 Government

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