List of products by brand Bettinsoli

Bettinsoli is an Italian shotgun manufacturer known for its craftsmanship and technological innovation, offering a wide range of models for hunters and sport shooters.

Founded in Gardone Val Trompia, Italy, Bettinsoli is a renowned family-owned company specializing in high-quality hunting shotguns. Their products represent a balance between the centuries-old tradition of Italian gunsmiths and modern CNC technology. Bettinsoli offers a wide range of over-and-under and hunting shotguns, known for their precision, reliability, and aesthetic design. Each shotgun undergoes rigorous quality checks and ballistic testing, ensuring excellent performance and durability. Popular models include the Omega and Overland series, available in various gauges such as 12, 20, 28, and .410, featuring innovative elements like DualCon barrels and adjustable stocks.

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