List of products by brand Dutch Long Arms

Dutch Long Arms is a Dutch manufacturer specializing in high-precision long-range rifles, known for their innovations and exceptional performance.

Dutch Long Arms, founded by Pim de Waard, a renowned gunsmith from Pirosport in the Netherlands, excels in producing long-range rifles designed for extreme competitions like the "King of 2 Miles." Notable models include the Ascalon XL, an innovative bolt-action rifle engineered for incredible distances. Dutch Long Arms is also famous for its adjustable scope mount system, the "Hyperion," which allows precise adjustments up to 200 MOA or 55 MRAD, ensuring stability even under heavy recoil. The commitment to innovation and quality makes Dutch Long Arms a respected brand among precision shooters worldwide​

Dutch Long Arms Hyperion Tac 34mm

Dutch Long Arms Hyperion Tac 34mm

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