List of products by brand Huben

Huben is an innovative brand known for its high-precision air rifles, recognized for advanced technology and quality construction.

Huben is a prestigious brand specializing in the manufacture of high-precision air rifles. Established with a focus on innovation in the airgun sector, Huben is known for employing advanced technologies and cutting-edge solutions in its rifle designs. Huben firearms are noted for their exceptional accuracy, efficiency, and durability, utilizing high-quality materials and sophisticated mechanisms to ensure superior performance. Ideal for sport shooting and small game hunting, Huben rifles offer a precise and reliable shooting experience, blending technological innovation with elegant design.

Weihrauch HW77 4,5mm Weihrauch HW77 4,5mm 2
  • -€140.00

Huben K1 Cal. 5,5 mm

€1,650.00 €1,790.00
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