List of products by brand Rhom

Röhm is a German brand known for producing precision clamping tools and, in the past, firearms through its Röhm Gesellschaft division.

Röhm GmbH was founded in 1909 by Heinrich Röhm in Zella-Mehlis, Germany, initially focusing on the production of drill chucks. In the 1950s, the company diversified into firearms, including gas guns, flare guns, and revolvers under the brand name Röhm Gesellschaft (RG). This division gained notoriety in the US, particularly due to the use of an RG-14 revolver in the attempted assassination of President Ronald Reagan in 1981. In 2010, Röhm's firearms division was acquired by Umarex GmbH & Co. KG. Today, Röhm is primarily recognized for its high-precision clamping tools used in various industrial sectors​

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