List of products by brand Mas

MAS is known for producing high-quality firearms, including both handguns and long guns, such as pistols and rifles, used for sporting, hunting, and personal defense purposes.

MAS, short for Manufacture d'Armes de Saint-Étienne, is a historic brand that has produced a wide range of firearms, including shotguns, rifles, pistols, and carbines. Founded in France, the company is renowned for the durability and reliability of its firearms, which have been used in both civilian and military contexts. Notable models include the MAS 1935 semi-automatic pistols and the MAS 49/56 semi-automatic rifles, known for their accuracy and durability. MAS firearms are favored by sports shooters and hunters for their high-quality construction and superior performance

Side By Side Shotgun Mas Cal. 12 Canne 68cm Side By Side Shotgun Mas Cal. 12 Canne 68cm 2
  • -€130.00
Side By Side Shotgun

Mas Cal. 12 Canne 68cm

€350.00 €480.00
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