List of products by brand Mosin Nagant

The Mosin Nagant is a historic bolt-action rifle known for its robustness and reliability, primarily used by Russian and Soviet forces from 1891 to 1947.

The Mosin Nagant was first adopted by the Imperial Russian Army in 1891 and remained in service until 1947. This bolt-action rifle, featuring a five-round magazine and optimistic sight calibrations, was competitive with its peers ballistically and known for its reliability. Produced in millions of units, it saw extensive use during both World Wars. Variants like the M91/30 and M44 are the most common on the surplus market today. The Mosin Nagant is valued for its durability and the power of the 7.62x54mmR cartridge, making it suitable for big game hunting as well. In the 1980s and 1990s, millions of these rifles were imported into the United States, where they became popular among shooters for their low cost and historical value.

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