List of products by brand ELG Belga

ELG Belga is a historic brand in the firearms industry, known for its distinctive Belgian proof marks used to ensure the quality and reliability of guns manufactured in Liège.

ELG Belga refers to the proof marks used by the Liège Proof House in Belgium to certify the quality of firearms produced or imported into the country. The ELG mark in an oval, often accompanied by a star and a crown, was used from 1810 until the mid-20th century to indicate that the firearm had passed rigorous quality and safety tests. These marks are found on a wide range of weapons, including percussion pistols, breech-loading rifles, and pinfire revolvers, often produced during the 19th and early 20th centuries. Firearms with the ELG mark are highly valued by collectors for their history and the quality assurance they represent​

Fireplace Shotgun ELG Belga Cani Esterni Cal. 12 Fireplace Shotgun ELG Belga Cani Esterni Cal. 12 2
Fireplace Weapons

ELG Belga Cani Esterni Cal. 12

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