List of products by brand Baschieri & Pellagri

Baschieri & Pellagri, founded in 1885, is a world-renowned Italian brand known for producing high-quality hunting and shooting ammunition. The brand is synonymous with innovation and excellent performance, creating products like the Acapnia powder and the recoil-reducing Gordon System. Acquired by Fiocchi in 2020, Baschieri & Pellagri continues to set industry standards with ongoing research and development, maintaining over a century-long tradition of quality​

Baschieri & Pellagri, founded in 1885 in Bologna, Italy, is globally recognized for the design, manufacture and distribution of premium ammunition for smoothbore guns. Their history is characterized by technical excellence and reliability, aimed at the most demanding sport shooters and hunters. B&P is famous for innovations such as the Gordon system, which significantly reduces recoil, and GreenCore biodegradable materials. The acquisition by Fiocchi in 2020 further strengthened their leading position in the ammunition market. B&P offers a full range of competition and hunting cartridges, all designed to deliver exceptional performance in any shooting condition

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