List of products by brand Christensen Arms

Christensen Arms is a prestigious brand known for its high-performance and innovative rifles. Established in 1995, the company is recognized for its use of advanced materials and cutting-edge technologies.

Christensen Arms is a renowned firearms manufacturer specializing in high-performance and innovative rifles. Founded in 1995, the company stands out for its use of advanced materials such as carbon fiber and state-of-the-art manufacturing technologies. Christensen Arms rifles are valued for their lightweight, accuracy, and durability, making them an excellent choice for hunters and sport shooters seeking top quality and reliability. With a commitment to innovation, Christensen Arms continues to push the boundaries of firearm technology.

Tikka T3X Laminated Stainless 223 Remington Tikka T3X Laminated Stainless 223 Remington 2
  • -€1,700.00
Bolt Action Rifle

Christensen Custom Cal. 275 Weatherby

€5,900.00 €7,600.00
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