List of products by brand Rizmendi

Rizmendi is a historic firearms brand known for its quality and precision, with a long tradition in producing pistols and revolvers.

Rizmendi, officially known as Francisco Arizmendi y Goenaga, began its operations in the early 20th century, initially producing pistols based on innovative patents. Around 1914, the company changed its name to Francisco Arizmendi and continued to produce a wide range of firearms, becoming known for the robustness and reliability of its products. Over the years, Rizmendi has solidified its reputation, offering pistols used both for personal defense and sporting purposes. The artisanal quality of Rizmendi pistols has been recognized in various markets, maintaining the tradition of excellence in firearm production​

World War Revolver Rizmendi Bodeo Truppa II Cal. 10,4mm World War Revolver Rizmendi Bodeo Truppa II Cal. 10,4mm 2
World War Pistol

Rizmendi Bodeo Truppa II Cal. 10,40mm

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