List of products by brand Mateba Firearms

Mateba Firearms is an innovative brand in the firearms sector, known for its unique and high-precision semi-automatic revolvers used for both sport shooting and personal defense.

Founded by engineer Emilio Ghisoni, Mateba Firearms is renowned for its revolutionary semi-automatic revolvers, such as the Mateba Autorevolver 6 Unica and the Mateba Mtr 8. These firearms are distinguished by their innovative barrel configuration, aligned with the lower chamber of the cylinder, significantly reducing recoil and enhancing shooting stability and accuracy. The Mateba Autorevolver 6 Unica is available in various calibers, including .357 Magnum and .44 Magnum, with interchangeable barrels to suit different shooting needs. Mateba continues to innovate with new firearms based on modern platforms like the AR-15, reaffirming its commitment to excellence and precision​

Smith & Wesson M&P 15 223 Remington Smith & Wesson M&P 15 223 Remington 2
  • -€140.00
Semi auto Rifle

Mateba MTB 30 Cal. 300 AAC Canna 12"

€1,190.00 €1,330.00
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