List of products by brand DPMS Panther Arms

DPMS Panther Arms is a leading manufacturer of AR-15 and AR-10 rifles, renowned for their quality, reliability, and customization options.

DPMS Panther Arms, also known as Defense Procurement Manufacturing Services, is a major manufacturer of AR-15 and AR-10 rifles. Founded in 1985, the company has built a strong reputation in the firearms industry through its commitment to detail, innovation, and production of high-quality weapons. Key models include the popular DPMS Oracle, AP4 Carbine, and the GII series, all known for their reliability and accuracy. DPMS rifles are favored by both sports shooters and hunters, offering extensive customization options to meet specific user needs. In 2020, DPMS was acquired by JJE Capital Holdings LLC, continuing its legacy of excellence​

DPMS A 15 Cal. 223 Remington DPMS A 15 Cal. 223 Remington 2
  • -€200.00
Semi auto Rifle

DPMS A 15 Cal. 223 Remington

€1,150.00 €1,350.00
Smith & Wesson M&P 15 223 Remington Smith & Wesson M&P 15 223 Remington 2
Semi auto Rifle

DPMS LR-G2 Cal. 308 Winchester Canna 46

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