List of products by brand Brno

Brno is a Czech firearms manufacturer with a long tradition, known for its hunting and sporting rifles, valued for their precision and reliability.

Founded in 1918 in Brno, Czech Republic, Zbrojovka Brno is historically known for producing a wide range of firearms, including machine guns and battle rifles like the famous Vz 24 rifle. During World War II, the company was renamed Waffenwerke Brunn and produced weapons for the German Wehrmacht. After the war, Brno resumed production of civilian and military firearms, becoming known for its high-precision rifles. In the 1990s, production was scaled down, and in 2004, the company was acquired by Česká zbrojovka (CZ). Today, Brno continues to produce hunting and sporting rifles, maintaining a reputation for high quality and innovation​

Semiautomatic Pistol Brno Field Cal. 7.5 FK Semiautomatic Pistol Brno Field Cal. 7.5 FK 2
Semi Auto Pistol

Brno Field Cal. 7.5 FK

Baikal IZH - 18 MH 30-06 Baikal IZH - 18 MH 30-06 2
  • -€290.00
Combined Tilting and Drilling

Brno ZK99 Cal. 5.6x50 Remington Magnum

€890.00 €1,180.00
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