List of products by brand RTI Arms

RTI Arms is a Slovenian manufacturer of high-precision PCP air rifles, known for innovative models like the Prophet and the Priest, offering excellent performance for sports shooting and hunting.

Based in Slovenia, RTI Arms has established itself as a prominent brand in the PCP (Pre-Charged Pneumatic) air rifle sector. Known for meeting the demands of precision and reliability, RTI Arms produces models like the Prophet and the Priest, celebrated for their superior performance. The Prophet is particularly appreciated for its impressive shot count per charge and versatility in long-range shooting. The Priest is recognized for its lightweight design and consistent accuracy, making it ideal for sport shooters. Both models are crafted with high-quality materials and user-friendly features, such as inclined Picatinny rails for improved stability and advanced pressure regulators. RTI Arms continues to innovate in the PCP air rifle field, combining cutting-edge technology with robust design to meet the needs of discerning shooters.

RTI Arms The Priest II 6,35 RTI Arms The Priest II 6,35 2

RTI Arms The Priest II Cal. 5,5 mm

RTI Arms The Priest II Cal. 6,35 mm RTI Arms The Priest II Cal. 6,35 mm 2

RTI Arms The Priest II Cal. 6,35 mm

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