List of products by brand Bushmaster

Bushmaster is a renowned American manufacturer of semi-automatic rifles, particularly famous for its AR-15 variants like the XM-15 and ACR.

Founded in 1978, Bushmaster Firearms is a renowned manufacturer of semi-automatic rifles known for their innovation and quality. Based in Carson City, Nevada, Bushmaster produces variants of the M4/AR-15 design using advanced materials and engineering techniques. Bushmaster products, including the XM-15, 450 Bushmaster, and ACR, are valued for their reliability and precision and are used by law enforcement, military, and shooting enthusiasts. After being acquired by Franklin Armory in 2020, Bushmaster resumed production, continuing to deliver high-quality rifles to the American market.

Bushmaster XM15 E25 Cal. 450 Bushmaster XM15 E25 Cal. 450 2
  • -€290.00
Semi auto Rifle

Bushmaster XM15 E25 Cal. 450

€1,780.00 €2,070.00
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