List of products by brand Atlas Bipods

Atlas Bipods by B&T Industries are renowned for their robustness and versatility, ideal for precision shooting and competitions. They offer various models with advanced features like canting lock and adjustable legs​

Atlas Bipods, produced by B&T Industries, are considered among the best bipods on the market due to their robust construction and advanced features. Made from 6061-T6 aluminum with MIL-SPEC Type III hard anodizing and heat-treated stainless steel components, these bipods provide exceptional strength and durability. They are available in different series such as V8, PSR, CAL, and 5-H, each with unique features like canting lock and Picatinny adapter integration​

BT70 Atlas M-LOK® Adapter BT70 Atlas M-LOK® Adapter 2

BT70 Atlas M-LOK® Adapter

BT72-LW17 Super CAL Atlas Bipod con ADM170-S BT72-LW17 Super CAL Atlas Bipod con ADM170-S 2
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BT72-LW17 Super CAL Atlas Bipod con ADM170-S

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