List of products by brand Breda

Breda is a renowned Italian manufacturer of hunting and sporting shotguns, known for its craftsmanship and technological innovation.

Founded in 1922, Breda initially produced machine guns for the Italian military before specializing in hunting and sporting shotguns. The company is celebrated for its semi-automatic and over & under shotguns, which blend precision, reliability, and innovative design. Popular models include the B12i/T4, designed for IPSC and 3-Gun competitions, and the legendary B3.5SM, favored by waterfowl hunters for its durability and excellent performance. Breda continues to invest in research and development to constantly enhance its products, maintaining high standards of quality and innovation

Semiautomatic Shotgun Breda Anniversary Centenario Cal. 12 Canna 70cm Semiautomatic Shotgun Breda Anniversary Centenario Cal. 12 Canna 70cm 2
  • -€1,100.00
Semi-Automatic Rifles

Breda Anniversary Centenario Cal. 12 Canna 70cm

€1,100.00 €2,200.00
Breda Cal. 12/76 Replacement Barrel Breda Cal. 12/76 Replacement Barrel 2

Breda Cal. 12/76 Canna di ricambio

Breda Echo 12 Breda Echo 12 2
  • -€40.00
Semi-Automatic Rifles

Breda Lungo Rinculo Cal. 12 canna 65

€190.00 €230.00
Breda Mira Cal. 12 carcassa Breda Mira Cal. 12 carcassa 2
Semi-Automatic Rifles

Breda Mira Cal. 12 carcassa

Investarm 100 B 28/8 Investarm 100 B 28/8 2
  • -€490.00
Over/under shotgun

Breda Omnium Light Cal. 12 canna 71

€990.00 €1,480.00
Breda Pegaso Cal. 12 Breda Pegaso Cal. 12 2
  • -€420.00
Over/under shotgun

Breda Pegaso Cal. 12

€1,890.00 €2,310.00
Investarm 100 B 28/8 Investarm 100 B 28/8 2
  • -€281.00
Over/under shotgun

Breda Pegaso Cal. 12 canna 75

€1,699.00 €1,980.00
Breda Xanthos Damasco Cal. 12 Breda Xanthos Damasco Cal. 12 2
  • -€350.00
Semi-Automatic Rifles

Breda Xanthos Damasco Cal. 12

€2,350.00 €2,700.00
Breda Xanthos Damasco Cal. 12 Breda Xanthos Damasco Cal. 12 2
  • -€350.00
Semi-Automatic Rifles

Breda Xanthos Damasco Cal. 12

€2,350.00 €2,700.00
Breda Xanthos Limited Edition Cal. 12 Breda Xanthos Limited Edition Cal. 12 2
  • -€1,080.00
Semi-Automatic Rifles

Breda Xanthos Limited Edition Cal. 12

€1,980.00 €3,060.00
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