List of products by brand Beretti

Beretti is an Italian brand specializing in electronic dog collars and bird calls, known for its quality and reliability. Used primarily for hunting, Beretti collars are appreciated for their advanced features and durability​

Beretti, an Italian company with a long tradition, offers a wide range of products for hunting and animal welfare. Their electronic dog collars, such as the Beeper 2000 XP®, are particularly renowned among woodcock hunters for their distinctive baritone sound, enabling the identification of dogs even at long distances. These collars are waterproof, shock-resistant, and equipped with various sounds to indicate different actions of the dog, such as searching and stopping​

Beretti also manufactures electronic bird calls and photoperiod control accessories, which are useful tools for hunters and bird breeders. The products include high-quality digital reproducers and cages designed to ensure maximum comfort for animals​

Beeper 2000 XP Base - Collare Arancio
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Beeper 2000 XP Base - Collare Arancio

Beeper 2000 XP Collare Aggiuntivo Giallo con Modulo Ricevente
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Beeper 2000 XP Collare Aggiuntivo Giallo con Modulo Ricevente

Beeper 2000 XP con Radiocomando Arancio
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Beeper 2000 XP con Radiocomando Arancio

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