List of products by brand Montour MCR

Montour County Rifles (MCR) specializes in custom-built rifles for hunting and competition, known for their high precision and craftsmanship.

Montour County Rifles (MCR), founded and operated by Kevin J. Cram, is renowned for producing custom-built precision rifles for hunting and competition. With a background in machine technology and automated manufacturing, Kevin Cram turned his passion for long-range shooting and precision machining into a successful business. Each rifle is custom-made to ensure high accuracy, functionality, and exceptional appearance. MCR is also known for its innovative tools like the MCR Meplat Uniformer, which enhances bullet consistency and accuracy.

MCR .224 cal. Meplat Uniforming Tool

MCR Montour Meplat Uniforming Tool

MCR 243 cal. Meplat Uniforming Tool Body

MCR Montour Meplat Uniforming Tool Body

MCR Power Adapter

MCR Power Adapter

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