Marsupio Porta Pistola 4 Tasche
Marsupio Porta Pistola 4 Tasche
Marsupio Porta Pistola 4 Tasche
  • -50%
Marsupio Porta Pistola 4 Tasche
Marsupio Porta Pistola 4 Tasche
Marsupio Porta Pistola 4 Tasche

BTA Pistol Pouch 4 Pockets

€19.50 €39.00 -50%
VAT included


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The BTA Gun Holster Fanny Pack with 4 Pockets is the perfect choice for those seeking a discreet and practical solution for carrying their firearm. Made from durable, high-quality materials, this fanny pack offers excellent protection and long-lasting use. The compact and functional design allows for quick and secure access to the gun, while the four additional pockets provide ample space for ammunition, accessories, and personal items. The sturdy zippers and reinforced stitching ensure reliable protection of the contents. Additionally, the adjustable and padded belt ensures exceptional comfort during prolonged use. With its discreet and practical style, the BTA Gun Holster Fanny Pack with 4 Pockets is ideal for those needing a secure and organized way to carry their firearm.


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