MTM Case Gard 100 - P-100-9 - Pistol G

MTM Case Gard 100 - P-100-9 - Pistol G

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The MTM Case Gard 100 - P-100-9 - Pistol G is a highly functional case designed to provide optimal protection and convenient management of pistol ammunition. Constructed from high-quality materials, this durable and robust case is ideal for organizing and transporting up to 100 rounds of 9mm ammunition. The innovative design features individual compartments that prevent the movement of ammunition, avoiding damage and ensuring that each cartridge remains in perfect condition until use. The lid is equipped with a secure closure that protects the ammunition from dust and moisture, and a locking mechanism that ensures the container stays firmly closed during transport. The MTM Case Gard 100 - P-100-9 - Pistol G is designed with convenience and efficiency in mind, making it an excellent choice for sports shooters and firearm enthusiasts who need proper ammunition organization and reliable protection while on the move.


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