Frankford Arsenal M-Press Coaxial Press
Frankford Arsenal M-Press Coaxial Press
Frankford Arsenal M-Press Coaxial Press
Frankford Arsenal M-Press Coaxial Press

Frankford Arsenal M-Press Coaxial Press

409,90 €

local_shipping Nur noch bis zum kostenlosen Versand: 150,00 €


The Frankford Arsenal® Single Stage reloading press was designed for the serious reloader to deliver the most precise ammunition possible. We engineered a reloading press with an easy to adjust universal shell holder system, an easy to empty spent primer tray, and the ability for your press to cam over or not. In combination with the easy to adjust universal shell holder system, it allows you to switch between small to magnum pistol or rifle sized cases with the turn of a dial. Our floating die system allows for optimal bullet to case alignment helping to minimize runout to help produce the most accurate ammunition possible. Frankford Arsenal’s proprietary M-Press delivers unmatched accuracy at the bench and in the field

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