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Lyman Top Punches are precisely machined to fit bullet nose shape exactly. This eliminates nose deformation during manual bullet casting.

Fits Lyman 450/4500 Lube Sizer and RCBS Lube-A-Matic-2 Bullet Sizer/Lubricator.

(These are interchangeable with RCBS)

2786769 - #495
2786755 - #658

The Lyman Top Punch is an essential tool for the reloading process, designed to fit perfectly with Lyman bullet moulds. Primarily used with reloading presses, the Top Punch is crucial for aligning and properly ejecting bullets from the mould cavity. Its high-quality construction ensures uniform and precise pressing, enhancing bullet consistency and ensuring optimal results during loading. Available in various configurations to fit different types of bullets, the Lyman Top Punch is an indispensable accessory for producing high-quality ammunition.


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