VectorOptics Series 25.4mm High...

VectorOptics Series 25.4mm High Dovetail Mounts

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25,80 €


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25.4mm 1" Diameter; Height: High. For 11mm 3/8" Dovetail Rail,  Threaded Recoil Stop-pin, Anti- Full Metal.


Overall Length:21mm(0.83 inch)
Ring Diameter:25.4mm(1 inch)
Material:6063-T6 aluminum alloy
Finish:Black Matte
Fittings:hex key
With removable threaded recoil stop-pin 
Light weight in precision
Easy and quick installation
Fit most 11mm 3/8" dovetail rail air gun or hunting rifle
Shock tested by real firearms and strong air guns
Model              Height (base to ring center)    Weight             Profile

SCOT-53H     34mm(1.3 inch)                        106g(3.7oz)    High

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