VectorOptics .308 Bore Barrel Gun Cleaning
VectorOptics .308 Bore Barrel Gun Cleaning
VectorOptics .308 Bore Barrel Gun Cleaning
VectorOptics .308 Bore Barrel Gun Cleaning
VectorOptics .308 Bore Barrel Gun Cleaning
VectorOptics .308 Bore Barrel Gun Cleaning
VectorOptics .308 Bore Barrel Gun Cleaning
VectorOptics .308 Bore Barrel Gun Cleaning
VectorOptics .308 Bore Barrel Gun Cleaning
VectorOptics .308 Bore Barrel Gun Cleaning
VectorOptics .308 Bore Barrel Gun Cleaning
VectorOptics .308 Bore Barrel Gun Cleaning

VectorOptics .308 Bore Barrel Gun Cleaning

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26,30 €


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For .308 7.62mm Bore Caliber, With Bronze Brush, With Gun Oil, w/ Instruction, Easy of Use.


Weight (net):32.5g (1.1 ounce)
Feature:Bore cleaning kit----the world's fastest sales gun bore cleaner
Usage:Fit .308 caliber and 7.62mm rifle etc
Sling with drop head and bronze brush connected with holder for rope or patch
Rope in floss material offers more cleaning area with more than 200 times usage
Patches with gun oil to protect your firearms from rust for long time storage'
Can be washed by water
Superior style, easy to use with instruction
High end quality design
Blister package with colorful brief instruction
Kit includes: Sling with build-in bronze brush & holder, rope and gun oil patch

308 Win
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