Repetierbüchse Tony Bench Rest Cal. 6 PPC
Repetierbüchse Tony Bench Rest Cal. 6 PPC
Repetierbüchse Tony Bench Rest Cal. 6 PPC
Repetierbüchse Tony Bench Rest Cal. 6 PPC
Repetierbüchse Tony Bench Rest Cal. 6 PPC
Repetierbüchse Tony Bench Rest Cal. 6 PPC
Repetierbüchse Tony Bench Rest Cal. 6 PPC
Repetierbüchse Tony Bench Rest Cal. 6 PPC
Repetierbüchse Tony Bench Rest Cal. 6 PPC
Repetierbüchse Tony Bench Rest Cal. 6 PPC

Tony Bench Rest Cal. 6 PPC

Tony Inc.


Carabina Bolt Action

Marca: Tony Inc.

Modello: Bench Rest

Calibro: 6 PPC

Azione: Bat

Calcio: Robertson nero/oro

Lunghezza canna: 560mm

Lunghezza totale: 1040mm

Passo di rigatura: 1:14"

Scatto: Jewel BR

Capacità caricatore: monocolpo

6mm PPC
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