Repetierbüchse Kelbly Panda Cal. 308 Winchester F-Class TR
Repetierbüchse Kelbly Panda Cal. 308 Winchester F-Class TR
Repetierbüchse Kelbly Panda Cal. 308 Winchester F-Class TR
Repetierbüchse Kelbly Panda Cal. 308 Winchester F-Class TR
Repetierbüchse Kelbly Panda Cal. 308 Winchester F-Class TR
Repetierbüchse Kelbly Panda Cal. 308 Winchester F-Class TR

Kelbly Panda Cal. 308 Winchester F-Class TR



Carabina Bolt Action

Marca: Kelbly

Modello: Panda

Calibro: 308 Winchester

Azione: Panda F-Class

Caricatore: colpo singolo

Finestra: sinistra

Slitta: dovetail inclinata 20 MOA

Finitura azione: sanded

Firing Pin: .068

Bolt Face: .308 conico

Canna: Krieger

Finitura canna: sanded

Lunghezza canna: 28"

Passo di rigatura: 1:12"

Otturatore: destro fluted

Scatto: Jewell BR

Calcio: Kelbly KTS Adjustable con boot hoks

Colore calcio: marble verde/nero

Espulsore: Remington

308 Win
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